
Lust is the propensity soul to the things which are in harmony with his will.The nature of this skewness has been created in human beings for their survival.ecause if there is no appetite for food, beverage and other biological needs are not necessarily more likely to eat, drink and meet his biological needs.Lust pushed him to the things he wants them. As a sense of emotional prevent it from things that hurt him.
Therefore should not be absolutely critical passions and should not be praised too absolute. But because the people who follow the habits of lust, passion and emotion can not be stopped until the limit is useful only from that lust, passion and emotion blamed, because the amount of harm caused.
People are always tested in connection with passion, not like animals, and every time he experienced various upheavals, then he must have two silencers, which reason and religion. Then instructed to lift all the religious passions and common sense. And he should always obey the decision of the silencer.
Then how the solution for people who are already hooked from the lust that apart from  He can be released from bondage desires with the help of God and His taufik through the following treatment:
  • Determination of burning burning jealousy against him
  • Sip patience to motivate him to be patient over the perceived bitterness when restraint desires.mental strength to cultivate patience keberaniaanya sip the drink. Because of the nature of the courage of these goods is to be patient for a moment! best stock in one's life is a patient servant!.
  • Always consider the good results obtained and the recovery of a gulp of patience.
  • Always remember the bitter grief that is felt rather than delicacy of passion to obey Position and dignity in the sight of Allah and in the hearts of His servants better and useful than delicacy to follow the demands of lust.
  • Let the sweet preference and tasty chaste and glory than the delicacy of his disobedience
  • Always thought that he was created not to his own whims and desires but he created for a large case, which is to worship God the creator himself. The case can not be achieved except by nyeleksi passion.

Animals must not better off than you! Because the nature he has, animals know what is useful and what is dangerous for him. More livestock put things useful than things that are dangerous. Humans have been given reason to distinguish, if he is unable to distinguish what is good and what is dangerous or knowing but rather putting a danger to him is clearly better cattle than on him.

(Quoted with the necessary changes from Asbaabut Takhallush minal Hawaa by Al Imam Ibn Qayyim Al Jawziyyah)