The story of Prophet yunus:
If anyone visiting the Prophet yunus as, the Prophet received them with warm-hearted, but she always mencercanya after the guests went home. Although hearing the words of profanity from his wife of the Prophet yunus shut up and wait. The people became surprised to see that. yunus the Prophet said: You do not have to wonder, I've prayed to God: Whatever gave you the punishment in the hereafter it immediately gave me in this world. The word of God: your sentence is marry the woman.
Reflections from the story above:
With the number of married divorce phenomenon today, let us reflect on the story above. Perhaps many of us are in the test with the lack of a husband or wife. Let us take the wisdom behind this event, let's try to think positive and make the patient as a helper. Every human being must have the uniqueness and strengths. Lift the excess, not deficiency